
How to Assist Clients with Estimating Expenses

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Julie Machal-Fulks, Texas Lawyer, January 2017 Helpful Tips to Manage the Cost of Annual Budgets and Corporate Transactions For many corporations, the end of the year signifies that it is time to look to the coming year and identify a corporate or department budget for technology expenditures. Additionally, throughout the year, attorneys are often asked to advise clients on potential technology expenses related to…


What’s Hidden in your SPLA?

MSPs have a variety of licensing options with their vendors. But, which license options are the best for your MSP practice? At the MSPAlliance MSPWorld Conference in October 2016, managed services contract guru, Julie Machal-Fulks, discussed the many licensing options currently being offered by vendors and provided helpful guidance on which licenses are more likely…


3 Backup Tips to Protect Your Firm’s Data

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Julie Machal-Fulks, Texas Lawyer, 10/3/16 A law firm’s electronic data can be critical to the firm’s efficiency. If a firm’s electronic information were lost or otherwise unusable, it could hinder or even cripple the firm’s ability to successfully represent its clients. To help reduce the risks associated with lost data, many firms have a process…


The Importance of Escrow Agreements in Software and Technology License Agreements

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Julie Machal-Fulks, Texas Lawyer, 6/6/16 Some of their most integral software applications businesses use are under another party’s control. When each party is upholding its end of the licensing bargain, these relationships can be long-lasting and useful. But, in some instances, the licensee can no longer access software on which it relies because the licensor…


Licensing Microsoft Applications in a Citrix Environment

Many organizations allow their users to access desktop applications like Microsoft Office through Citrix, which is often used to control the number of users who can access the software at any one time. These organizations need to carefully evaluate whether they are legally able to install applications on their network for remote-user access and also…